ARTWORKS 藝術品 Artist Artworks All Ink Oil Mixed Media Watercolor Sketch Rock Sculpture Digital Print Fung Ming-Chip Li Hsieh-Kun Tu Chung-Kao Hsiao-Yu Tong Yang-Tze Lee Yih-Hong Zheng Shan-Shi Bu Zi Koon Wai Bong Lee Chun Yi Cheng Tai-Le Lin Chang-Hu All Ink Oil Oil Watercolor Sketch Rock Sculpture Digital Print Tong Yang-Tze 捨得 Let Go and Receive Hsiao-Yu 我很高興 Filled with Joy Hsiao-Yu 枯木龍吟 The Roar of Life Amidst Death Hsiao-Yu 雲蒸篆玉 Clouds Rising Gracefully Like Patterns of Seal Script and Smoothness of Jade Hsiao-Yu 東坡春日 Calligraphy of Su Shi's Poem: Spring Day Hsiao-Yu 般若波羅蜜多心經 Heart Sutra Buddhism Hsiao-Yu 作數件可驚可喜之事,交幾個有情有義的人 Crafting Joyful Surprises and Finding True, Loyal Friends Hsiao-Yu 衝泥踏水就君來 Through Mud and Water, I Come to You Hsiao-Yu 六面圖冊 冊頁集 Panel Album Tu Chung-Kao 空靈 Transcendent Realms Tu Chung-Kao 欣然自得 A Joyful Heart and a Content Spirit Tu Chung-Kao 一切即一(一即一切) One is All Tu Chung-Kao 開懷 Open-Hearted Joy Tu Chung-Kao 也無風雨也無晴 Neither Rain Nor Shine Tu Chung-Kao 口頭禪 Commonplace Phrases and Shallow Words on Our Lips Li Hsieh-Kun 種竹栽花迎霽月,烹茶洗墨話春風 Welcoming the Clear Moon, Enjoying the Beauty of Spring Li Hsieh-Kun 小沙彌觀經圖 A Young Novice Viewing the Sutra Li Hsieh-Kun 彩色篆書心經 The Heart Sutra in Colorful Seal Script Li Hsieh-Kun 江雪 In the River In the Snow Fung Ming-Chip 蝴蝶沙字 Sand Script, To Be & Not To Be Fung Ming-Chip 冷清壹筆字 Single Brush Script, Night Fung Ming-Chip 夢裏水拓字 Transfer Script, Night Fung Ming-Chip 空心心經 Hollow Script, Heart Sutra Fung Ming-Chip 透字心經 Transparent Script, Heart Sutra