Tu Chung-Kao 開懷 Open-Hearted Joy Size:107x90.5 cm Material:水墨紙本 Ink on paper Year:2021 Inquire Hello, I am very interested in artist Tu Chung-Kao work【開懷 Open-Hearted Joy】. May I ask for more information about it? Thank you. 送出 DESCRIPTION 作者的少字書〈開懷〉,草書筆勢由小而大,書法線質圓熟,有一氣呵成的?快。濃淡相宜,使轉之間隨性灑脫,既透出一種老者的悠然自得,又展現了文人的風雅氣質。欣賞此作,令人感到心情舒暢愉悅。 MORE view all Tu Chung-Kao 空靈 Transcendent Realms Tu Chung-Kao 欣然自得 A Joyful Heart and a Content Spirit Tu Chung-Kao 一切即一(一即一切) One is All Tu Chung-Kao 也無風雨也無晴 Neither Rain Nor Shine Tu Chung-Kao 口頭禪 Commonplace Phrases and Shallow Words on Our Lips