Li Hsieh-Kun 江雪 In the River In the Snow Size:73x58.5 cm Material:水墨 彩色棉紙 Inquire Hello, I am very interested in artist Li Hsieh-Kun work【江雪 In the River In the Snow】. May I ask for more information about it? Thank you. 送出 DESCRIPTION 〈江雪〉將古詩融入當代的創新風格,大膽用色,以20 個彩色方形棉紙組成文字結構。可以看成是線條運動節奏、單元空間形狀、空間組合的綜合美感表現,別出心裁。 MORE view all Li Hsieh-Kun 種竹栽花迎霽月,烹茶洗墨話春風 Welcoming the Clear Moon, Enjoying the Beauty of Spring Li Hsieh-Kun 小沙彌觀經圖 A Young Novice Viewing the Sutra Li Hsieh-Kun 彩色篆書心經 The Heart Sutra in Colorful Seal Script